Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Weekly Roundup

To be honest, I'm not sure which week we're on in the challenge but one thing is for sure - the blog has been quiet of late. Turns out maintaining a blog is not as easy as I thought it would be - I honestly don't know how Corrie manages it!

In any case, the challenge continues and in an effort to get the blog back on track, I have devised a plan - as ambitious as ever.


November, while most famous perhaps for being the month during which some men stop shaving in order to grow a mustache to raise awareness of and money for prostate and testicular cancer, is also known as National Novel Writing Month.

It is during this dreary and rainy autumn month that hundreds of thousands of people around the world decide to undertake the challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel in a single month. This number seems staggering to me, made even more so in the knowledge that I will soon have to write my thesis which will have to be at least twice as long as that. Gulp.

As much as I would love to devote a whole month to trying to write the next literary masterpiece, such a plan is absolutely unfeasible at the moment. However, it did give me an idea.

In order to be able to write 50,000 words in 30 days, one would undoubtedly have to write a few hundred words a day. 1666 words per day, to be exact. Gosh, even that number looks very big. Honestly, how do people do it? But I digress, for it is not the number of words that I have decided to aim for, but rather developing the habit of writing a little bit every day. And so, the new challenge I have set myself for the month of November, is to publish a blog post every day.

I am sure it has not escaped everyone’s notice that it is now the 3rd of the month, which means I am already behind. Hehe. And so, to catch up, you will be blessed with two blog posts today and two tomorrow.

I will endeavor to keep the posts about my enjoyment of literature and the majority of the posts will be about Harry Potter, as I try to catch up as best as I can with our original schedule for the challenge. 

Let’s see, we started in June and are now in November, which means we should have finished reviewing five books. I doubt I will be able to do that in the next 27 days, not least because I am still reading Order of the Phoenix, but I will try my best. If I can get through Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban, I will be happy. 

Let the challenge begin!

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