Wednesday 17 June 2015

Mental Images: Characters

I've got more into my reading of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone this week, and I'm starting to get really into the whole analysing of the story thing. I've been switching between my new copy and my old copy, especially since Lucia and another friend suggested that I make notes in my old book; especially as it's purely sentimental anyway, and the value of it is only when I hold it.

The first edition cover of Harry Potter and
the Philosopher's Stone by Thomas Taylor
(UK) [source]

This post was meant to update you on how far I have got in the book, but unfortunately my words got away with me and I have a meeting early tomorrow morning, so you'll have to deal with what I can blast out in twenty minutes now!


We get our mental images of many of the characters in this chapter. I no longer remember how I imagined them all at first; my initial thoughts were affected by the front cover of the first book I owned, which showed Harry as depicted by Thomas Taylor, the original illustrator. Once the movies came out, my mental images were ruined. I don't think the casting was spot on, but I thought they were good enough that I was happy to allow the images to take over my inner voice.

However, JKR goes a long way towards describing the characters for us. I'll also make a few references to the films - although I tend to think of the books as "pure Harry Potter", I do enjoy the films, and this is usually how I see the characters.

Vernon Dursley

"...big, beefy man with hardly any neck..."
"...a very large moustache."

Petunia Dursley

"...thin and blonde..."
"...nearly twice the usual amount of neck..."

(Note that Fiona Shaw who played PD was brunette in the films.)

The Dursleys, copyright Ginger Opal

Albus Dumbledore

"...tall, thin and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt."
" eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked..."

Although I don't normally pay too much attention to the clothes they are wearing, as my mental image mainly involves the face, I do enjoy the description of Dumbledore's attire in this first chapter.

"...long robes, a purple cloak which swept the ground and high-heeled, buckled boots."

I've never properly taken in that bit about the high-heeled boots. Oh, Dumbledore, you are too fabulous for words.

Dumbledore copyright Ginger Opal

Minerva McGonagall

"...severe-looking woman who was wearing square glasses..."

" hair was drawn into a tight bun."

I'm not sure how one can imagine someone looking severe. Thoughts?

Rubeus Hagrid

This is the description that I have the most trouble with. The first chapter contains what can only be called a piece of text loaded with shock-factor.

"...twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide."
"...long tangles of bushy black hair and beard hid most of his face..."
"...hands the size of dustbin lids..."
"...his feet in their leather boots were like baby dolphins..."

In Chapter Four "The Keeper of the Keys", Hagrid is again described in Harry's terms:

"...giant of a man..."
"...long, shaggy mane of hair..."
"...wild, tangled beard..."

If Hagrid is indeed twice as tall as a normal man, surely he would not fit through the door. A small mention of this is made with "...stooping so that his head just brushed the ceiling," but honest, twice the height! I know we are in a world of magic, but really.

Then, we get to the five times as wide. Five times! I looked up the width of the average man (source here) and this would make him just under 2.5m at the shoulder (and note the words used were "at least"). In other words, if Hagrid lay down in the average modern house, his shoulders would touch the floor and the ceiling.

Copyright Jennifer Chan 2015

I understand the difference between similes, metaphors, and their uses in descriptive text. I realise we are meant to realise that Hagrid is really flipping big. But I can't get past this description, and never have been able to. The first thing that really offended me was the hands the size of dustbin lids. (Half a metre, in case you're wondering.) Yet he can fit in a house, sleep on a sofa. I think I need to go lie down, I'm that riled up!

Seriously though, I'm tired. I hope you enjoyed this food for thought - I'm off to do a bit more reading and dreaming about my favourite alternate reality!

Much love,

Corrie xx

1 comment:

  1. I thought Fiona Shaw, Richard Griffiths, Richard Harris and Maggie Smith were simply Perfect in their roles, despite Petunia's different hair colour. Maggie Smith does an excellent severe look.

    My book image of Dudley (and in fact most of the young people) is very different to the film, though. I see him as much rounder with floppy blond hair.

    On a different note, I'd suggest that if you do scribble notes in your old Harry Potter books, they'll have even more sentimental value in years to come.
